3 Steps to a Clear Message Strategy

Multiple communication channels available 24/7 are a mixed blessing. They allow to spread the message quickly and in multiple formats. However, it can be easy to lose sight of what really needs to be said. Hence, we could technology on a pause for a moment and focus on the message. There are three simple steps to shape the overarching communications strategy and prepare a clear message.

1. 👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 First, REALLY know your audience

2. 🌟 Then ask, “What do they need to hear?”

3. 🛣 Now for the fun part: building your strategy. Involve your internal stakeholders 👩‍💻 Contributors, 🕵️‍♂️ Reviewers, and 👩‍💼 Approver(s)


5 Strategies to Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

By building your confidence as well as your competence, you build executive presence. True self-esteem doesn’t mean that one has to assert ourselves at the expense of other people. People with positive self-esteem can acknowledge their own worth and validate the positive qualities of others.

📖 Learn something new—there is no cut-off age for learning and in today’s pandemic online world, there’s no limit to what you can learn.

🤩 Adopt a mantra—a positive affirmation can sometimes serve as a reminder of your self-worth. Find a quote, affirmation, or mantra, print it out, and place it where you’ll see it every day.

🤗 Show compassion and self-respect—one strategy is to be more compassionate in the way you talk to yourself.

♥ Forgive yourself—everybody, without exception, makes mistakes. Healthy self-forgiveness involves the right amount of remorse, which helps you learn from your mistakes and fuel positive change.

📝 Journal your accomplishments—by articulating your accomplishments and recording them on paper, you force yourself to increase your awareness on the positive side of the equation.


10 Fast and Effective Ways to Overcome Stage Fright

🧘‍♀️ 1 Get your head in the right place

😤 2 Belly breathe

🔋 3 Turn that negative talk into positive thinking

🦸‍♂️ 4 Stand straight and open up your chest

🛡 5 Let go of intrusive thoughts

☺ 6 Greet your audience. And smile

👩‍🎤 7 Talk . . . don’t present

✨ 8 Visualize a successful outcome

🔦 9 Turn the spotlight around

💃 10 Move!


The Grand Finale: How to End Your Speech

A strong opening and a memorable closing are the most important parts of any speech. To craft a strong end, think about why and how you want your speech to be remembered.

🦸‍♀️ Call to action—tell your audience to take action, make it clear and specific

🌈 Close the story arc—set up a question at the beginning of your speech and use your ending to answer it

👨‍🏫 Tell them what you’ve just told—summarize main points of your speech, use a summary slide instead of a ‘thank you’ slide

Punchline—finish with a short, memorable sentence, an interesting quote, a cartoon or animation

👉 https://virtualspeech.com/blog/different-ways-to-end-presentation-speech

8 Tips for Engaging Your Audience

Beginning speakers focus on themselves—how to speak best to the audience. Experienced speakers learn to shift the focus onto the audience and their needs. For this shift you need to understand how to break down the wall between speaker and audience and. These eight tips from experts help you to connect with the audience:
🎭 Tell great stories
🙋‍♀️ Ask powerful questions
🤗 Tap into empathy
🤝 Build their trust
🎹 Use contrast and variety
♥ Make the personal, universal
🤦‍♀️ Embrace mistakes
🦸‍♂️ Be real. Let them be real

👉 https://www.toastmasters.org/magazine/magazine-issues/2022/jan/engaging-your-audience

Four performance techniques for successful public speaking

Do you want to influence the audiences in presentations and speeches? Here are 4 performance techniques for successful public speaking

🦸‍♂️ Establish Your Credibility. Tell them why they should listen to you during the first 60 seconds of your talk.

✨ Be Honest. Show listeners your true self, don’t try to be “as good as” someone else.

🤝 Connect with Your Audience. Greet and involve people, keep eye contact, check reactions, and adjust as you go.

🏃‍♀️ Think in Terms of Action. Think about what you want your audience to do after your talk, finish with call to action.

4L Technique for Feedback

Feedback is vital for growth. Good structure makes feedback memorable and actionable. One way to organize review is to provide 4Ls Retrospective:

💖 Liked. What went better than expected? What are the positive aspects of an otherwise difficult exercise?

💡 Learned. What was a valuable lesson learned during the exercise?

😳 Lacked. What was missed during the delivery? What could have gone better?

🎯 Longed For. What support could help to achieve the goal?

Three Lessons Learned From the Return to Hybrid Presenting

Hybrid meetings are here to stay, and they pose new challenges for truly collaborative, inclusive, and empathetic workplace. Three Lessons Learned From the Return to Hybrid Presenting

🥱 Never deliver a hybrid presentation you wouldn’t want to sit through—in-person or online

🐱‍💻 Hybrid presenting creates unique obstacles to overcome—tech (CHECK YOUR MIC!), taking care of both audiences, considering the impact of your visuals, engaging in networking and socializing, being mindful of your scene and screen moves

💃 Speakers need to combine their in-person skills with their more recently built virtual presenting skills The goal of hybrid presenting is the same as all presentations: form a connection with the audience to move them from point A to point B. But your job as a speaker is undoubtedly harder with hybrid presentations. There are now two audiences you need to connect with at the same time. But the flexibility and opportunity that we gain from the hybrid environment is worth the effort.

7 Data Storytelling Tips From Centuries-Old Data Visualization

Data visualization has a long history, hundreds of years. Data designers coaxed numbers into telling stories and giving us insight into the world around us. Here are seven lessons learned:

1. Keep the Focus on the Data

2. Label for Comprehension

3. Choose the Most Effective Data Visualization

4. Tell a Comprehensive Story

5. Order data for comprehension

6. Compare for Context

7. Make it Beautiful
