10 Fast and Effective Ways to Overcome Stage Fright

🧘‍♀️ 1 Get your head in the right place

😤 2 Belly breathe

🔋 3 Turn that negative talk into positive thinking

🦸‍♂️ 4 Stand straight and open up your chest

🛡 5 Let go of intrusive thoughts

☺ 6 Greet your audience. And smile

👩‍🎤 7 Talk . . . don’t present

✨ 8 Visualize a successful outcome

🔦 9 Turn the spotlight around

💃 10 Move!


The Grand Finale: How to End Your Speech

A strong opening and a memorable closing are the most important parts of any speech. To craft a strong end, think about why and how you want your speech to be remembered.

🦸‍♀️ Call to action—tell your audience to take action, make it clear and specific

🌈 Close the story arc—set up a question at the beginning of your speech and use your ending to answer it

👨‍🏫 Tell them what you’ve just told—summarize main points of your speech, use a summary slide instead of a ‘thank you’ slide

Punchline—finish with a short, memorable sentence, an interesting quote, a cartoon or animation

👉 https://virtualspeech.com/blog/different-ways-to-end-presentation-speech

8 Tips for Engaging Your Audience

Beginning speakers focus on themselves—how to speak best to the audience. Experienced speakers learn to shift the focus onto the audience and their needs. For this shift you need to understand how to break down the wall between speaker and audience and. These eight tips from experts help you to connect with the audience:
🎭 Tell great stories
🙋‍♀️ Ask powerful questions
🤗 Tap into empathy
🤝 Build their trust
🎹 Use contrast and variety
♥ Make the personal, universal
🤦‍♀️ Embrace mistakes
🦸‍♂️ Be real. Let them be real

👉 https://www.toastmasters.org/magazine/magazine-issues/2022/jan/engaging-your-audience

Three Lessons Learned From the Return to Hybrid Presenting

Hybrid meetings are here to stay, and they pose new challenges for truly collaborative, inclusive, and empathetic workplace. Three Lessons Learned From the Return to Hybrid Presenting

🥱 Never deliver a hybrid presentation you wouldn’t want to sit through—in-person or online

🐱‍💻 Hybrid presenting creates unique obstacles to overcome—tech (CHECK YOUR MIC!), taking care of both audiences, considering the impact of your visuals, engaging in networking and socializing, being mindful of your scene and screen moves

💃 Speakers need to combine their in-person skills with their more recently built virtual presenting skills The goal of hybrid presenting is the same as all presentations: form a connection with the audience to move them from point A to point B. But your job as a speaker is undoubtedly harder with hybrid presentations. There are now two audiences you need to connect with at the same time. But the flexibility and opportunity that we gain from the hybrid environment is worth the effort.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To lead by example

Humour is often used as a communication device, to charm and to offend, to mock and to encourage, but ultimately to persuade. Despite the common usage, the question “to joke or not to joke?” still provoke heated debates. Scientists cannot miss this research opportunity. A team from University of South California conducted an analysis to better understand the contingencies of humour effects. The results are summarised in a paper “A Priest, a Rabbi, and a Minister Walk into a Bar: A Meta-Analysis of Humor Effects on Persuasion“. They scrutinized some hundred studies and find three interesting things about effects of humour on persuasion.

Cartoon. Chicken at Psychotherapist: "Why do _you_ think you cross the road?"

First, indeed humour has effect on persuasion. Overall this effect is weak, but robust. But, humor has a moderate-level influence on knowledge, but only a weak impact on attitudes and behavioral intent. In other words, use jokes to support learning. But don’t expect gigs would significantly change attitudes and behaviuor.

Second, jokes should be relatable. The study found that the most effective is humour central to the message, addressed to the topic important for people (or, as authors put it related-humor for highly-involved individuals). When humor was central to the message tended to exert more impact on knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intent, compared to messages that used humor only peripherally. What is is more important, effects were stronger when the topic of the message had direct consequences for the participants’ lives (what authors call highly-involved individuals). Hence, surprisingly, humorous instructions on important things work better. Safety procedures during a flight or a message advocating against drinking and driving addressed to students, just to name a few.

Third, use it but don’t abuse it. No jokes is bad, too many jokes is even worse. The results revealed an inverted U-shaped effect of humor intensity on persuasion. Small amounts of humor may not be enough to draw attention. Too much humor overwhelm the processing of information, things getting “too funny”. One need to calibrate and moderate. The good news is that one should just avoid extremes. There is a broad range of humour intensity, where it works well.

The plotted regression of humor intensity on persuasion.
Figure. The plotted regression of humour intensity on persuasion.