Hybrid work is here and will stay, it is the new normal. Still, people feel isolated in front of their screens and suffer from Zoom fatigue. What could be done?
🌟 Help employees stay connected to the mission—this keeps the company culture alive, even virtually.
🤗 Practice Empathetic Leadership—build relationship, pay attention, and make a space for small talk.
🔄 Communicate synchronously when possible to keeping people connected.
⚖ Healthy work-life balance. Setting work boundaries will help make everyone feel important and empowered. NB: I add to all emails a line “🤖 You could receive this email outside of your regular working hours. Please respond it when appropriate. Bip!”
💤 Don’t fall into the “curse of knowledge”—other people might not understand what you are talking about. Less is more…
Read full article 👉 https://decker.com/blog/tips-for-the-ideal-hybrid-workplace/